An attempt to visit every suburb in Sydney.

This is one of those brand new suburbs that you don't really hear or know much about (or at least I didn't). Wentworth Point T...

Work in progress: Wentworth Point

This is one of those brand new suburbs that you don't really hear or know much about (or at least I didn't).

Wentworth Point

This place is basically a high density, residential extension to Sydney Olympic Park. Crossing over from there in my previous post, I immediately found myself amongst some very nice apartments that wouldn't look out of place in a resort on the Gold Coast. 

A small (and I suspect private) walkway led me off the road and into Wentworth Point proper. 

My previous post at Sydney Olympic Park boasted "Shipwreck Lookout", but by following this path you get an awesome view of the 100-year-destroyed SS Ayrfield. If you've never been to see the shipwrecks at Homebush Bay I'd definitely recommend making your way out here - it's a cool and pretty different thing to what Sydney generally has to offer. 

Come on Cohaagen, you got what you want. Give these people Ayr

Continuing along leads to a "beach" of sorts and an alternate angle to the shipwreck - in vast contrast to the dense and modern Rhodes in the background.

There's a beautiful waterside walk/park here but I decided to veer "inland" to see what the suburb itself is like.

I found myself transported to a "rich people" neighbourhood in California, with health spas, palm trees and cafés, painted in what I like to call "beach resort beige". 

Strolling through here I found dozens of new apartments. More are clearly in the pipeline too.

Interestingly, the suburb still houses a few warehouses, like this Acer building. I imagine their days are numbered here.

For reference, this "Harbour Village" banner is draped on the fence of the Acer warehouse.

My intention was to cross the bridge over to Rhodes so I made my way back to the waterside park where there were many fluffy dogs.

Unfortunately, the path along the water is closed off (hopefully temporarily), forcing me to walk back through a mixture of old industry (whatever they were doing in the warehouses) and new industry (churning out apartments).

The roads here are still in the industrial style where you have long straight streets without much walkability due to the large buildings blocking potential pathways. As a result, I had to take a very roundabout route past some of the remaining industrial/light density commercial sites in the area.

On the way I passed this real-estate mobile-billboard. I only share this because somebody had drawn a number of penises on poor Bruce's face on the other side of the billboard. This amuses me because I'm like 12 years old. 

Putting rude things on the internet isn't allowed, so I'm showing the "clean side" of the billboard.

Past this is (would you believe it) more new apartments, and more apartments in the process of being built. 

Following the road all the way to the end leads to the Sydney Olympic Park Ferry terminal (which it turns out is not actually in S.O.P.) as well as a few uninspiring food options.

I made my way through more apartments and even more construction (having to backtrack quite a few times when construction blocked what looked like a path on Google Maps).

Eventually I reached my goal, the bridge to Rhodes. Cleverly (in my opinion) this bridge can be used by pedestrians, bicycles and buses, but not cars. I imagine once Wentworth point is finished being built (and you can walk without warehouses or construction equipment blocking the way) this would encourage walkabilty. 

Only in Australia do we need a sign warning us not to dive off a massive bridge. 

Wentworth Point: Maybe come back when it's done.