An attempt to visit every suburb in Sydney.

If Sydney by Technicality is one of my series, Moore Park can be called "Suburb by Technicality" because nobody actually liv...

Less is: Moore Park

If Sydney by Technicality is one of my series, Moore Park can be called "Suburb by Technicality" because nobody actually lives here. (Well the census reckons that 28 people live here, but I have no idea where.)

Moore Park

A bus was my steed of choice to take me to Moore Park today.

Well, sort of. The bus dropped me off a couple of streets away and I got as close as "diagonally across the road" before I realised I had a problem.

You can't actually get to Moore Park this way. They've fenced off the corner and the traffic lights don't have pedestrian crossings.

Not to worry, this just meant I had to do some dare-devil-esque manoeuvres to cross the intersections of Anzac Parade and Moore Park Road in order to officially make my way into the suburb.

Most of Moore Park is an actual park. On the northernmost tip of the park sits this memorial to the Korean war, and an interesting piece in its own right.

Sadly, the dual-flying Australian and South Korean flags here seem a little worn out and perhaps need upgrading.

I followed the path around the perimeter to make my way into the park proper.

As a park, here you get a lot of open space to play your sports, right next to the construction of the new South-East light rail.

A little bit further up, you wind up at the Albert 'Tibby' Cotter Walkway, named after an early 20th century Australian cricketer and casualty of World War I.

Apparently this bridge is a little bit of a white elephant, with a cost of $38 million and barely anybody using it. I changed that today, and used it to carry me across the very busy Anzac Parade.

On the way, you get a great view of the skyline of the city over the park.

NSW has a population of 7.5 million, which means that my personal contribution to this bridge was around $5. Worth it? I'm not sure, but regardless the bridge dropped me off at the other side of Anzac Parade where I could enjoy this very pleasant pond in front of the stadium.

I crossed the road to leave the "park" bit of Moore Park and enter the area containing the stadium and the Entertainment Quarter (aka Fox Studios).

On the way I passed the fancy gates to the Sydney Cricket Ground,

a swan's nest,

and a high-end bus belonging to a high-end school which I recognised from my visit to Dolls Point some time ago.

The Entertainment Quarter is a bit of an odd place.

It contains a number of vintage buildings mixed in with otherwise modern surrounds.

It also has a few bars and restaurants, as well as "Goatnation", a store selling crap that nobody needs.

They even have a rug store for some God-forsaken reason.

The only other thing of note that I saw here is AFTRS - the Australian Film, Television and Radio School (look out - drama kids about).

My visit was a weekday afternoon and the Entertainment Quarter was a pretty sleepy place. I suspect it gets a lot rowdier here on event days, but today Moore Park was a very subdued affair.

Departing the Entertainment Quarter across more of the light rail construction, I didn't know what to think about Moore Park.

It does its thing and seems to do it well, but I struggle to feel any emotion toward it.

Moore Park: