An attempt to visit every suburb in Sydney.

Remember when I posted Sylvania Waters , a whole three days ago? Well here's the one without the Waters. Sylvania (Part 1)

Shireside Chat: Sylvania (feat: Kangaroo Point)

Remember when I posted Sylvania Waters, a whole three days ago? Well here's the one without the Waters.

Sylvania (Part 1)

Last I left you, I was about to step onto the shores of Holts Marine Beach, a beach on the Georges River, and the easternmost point of the suburb of Sylvania. As river beaches go, this one's actually pretty good.

Sure, there was a hell of a lot of seaweed on the sand when I visited,

and rather than picnic tables and barbeques, you have the neighbour's backyards,

but still, it's a real beach.

To get into the suburb proper, I made my way to the northern end of the shore, intending to get onto the street without having to go back to Sylvania Waters first. It turns out you're not really supposed to do it that way, but I was able to climb these piers,

say hello to the waterfowl,

and hop up this barrier,

to get to the humorously named "Shag Point". While the hazy sky did put a slight damper on the view, Shag Point is no bad thing.

Pleased with my welcome to the suburb so far, I left the spot and was now at liberty to stroll the mean streets of Sylvania.

Immediately, the ludicrous houses carried over from Sylvania Waters.

I followed suburban Sylvania to the foot of Tom Ugly's Bridge, a bridge taking the Princes Highway over Georges River,

where I was able to turn left and hit a quiet strip of shops.

Quiet, except for one place.

This is Paul's Famous Hamburgers, a burger shop which prides itself on doing a good old fashioned Aussie takeaway burger.

It's very popular.

The options here are basically beef or chicken burger, with as many or as little toppings as you desire. Their "go to" is apparently their works burger, which most takeaway places would describe as your standard Aussie hamburger with the lot.

The old school milkshakes with all of the classic syrups are a good sight too.

I was tossing up whether to go beef or chicken, but I did notice plenty of people also going for the chicken option, so I ended up grabbing a chilli chicken burger (and chips and drink).

Sadly, I wasn't a huge fan. I really wanted to like the burger, but all I can say is that it was okay. The ingredients are all good quality, but the whole thing was kind of bland (and a little bit too collapsey).

Maybe I should've gone beef.

I do have to give props to the staff though. Despite the large mob of people here, they get your order and you get your meal pretty damn fast.

Ah well. With my stomach full, I headed back onto the street and continued on.

From here, I took a pedestrian bridge over the Princes Highway,

taking me to a residential street and suburban park parallel to the highway.

This route didn't turn out to be too fruitful, leading me almost immediately back to the highway.

There isn't too much to say about a walk on Sylvania's main road.

I passed the dealership where the people with big houses buy their BMWs,

which turned out to be just around the corner from the local shopping centre.

Pushing on,

I managed to leave the highway and made my way back to suburbia.

Here, there are plenty of far more normal houses,

with the hilly terrain allowing for some interesting views here and there.

At this point I found Kangaroo Point Road, a street sign marking the entrance to another suburb.

Kangaroo Point

So jutting out from a street in residential Sylvania is a peninsular suburb known as Kangaroo Point. 

It's basically a single, long street, with a couple of small cul-de-sacs jutting out of the side.

In this suburb, people live once more in big houses,

while views of the Georges abound.

I had zero intention walking all the way down the irrelevant hill that is Kangaroo Point,

so I checked it off the suburbs list and turned back into a real suburb.

Kangaroo Point: This street has no business being a suburb. 

Sylvania (Part 2)

By this stage, I was more or less done with Sylvania too. 

To get out of there, I walked a few more residential streets (featuring one of these roofy houses I enjoy photographing),

to get back onto the Princes Highway,

and hop on a bus to start my journey out of The Shire.

Sylvania: An okay burger, a great river beach, and some big-ole houses.