Welcome to the final suburb of the year!
Redfern's an Inner City suburb immediately south of the city. Having just finished my final day of work for the year (yahoo), I met Mrs Completing Sydney at Redfern Station for some late-afternoon suburbsing.As station exits go, Redfern's pretty good, with murals and city views,
Most of Redfern sits to the east of the station, but I chose to start off by poking my head to the west, through a construction zone,(obligatory "Bill Posters is an innocent man!")
and to the other side.
The streets around here are known as "The Block", and are most famous for the significant amount of housing here owned by the Aboriginal Housing Company. Interestingly, although Redfern is most famous for its Aboriginal population, these days Aboriginal residents of Redfern make up only 2.1% of the population - less than the national average.

This is the start of Redfern's commercial core and, even in a pandemic, there was plenty of foot and car traffic from the after work crowd.
Redfern's High Street is the appropriately named Redfern Street, and that's where we headed.
Redfern Street is quite an interesting thoroughfare, with shops as expected,
buildings with decorative facades,
and a mural or two.
There's also a fair chunk of interesting old buildings, such as the old post office,
these ones that I'm too lazy to look up,
as well as terraced residential.
We took a turn off Redfern Street to head to the reason I'm writing up Redfern in the first place,burgers. And not just any burgers. This place calls itself Suburgia, and names its burgers after Sydney suburbs. As the "Sydney suburbs guy", as well as a lover of burgers, this seemed right up my alley.
I went the Fairfield. Bizarrely, the Fairfield wasn't a falafel patty, but instead contains your standard burger salads, burger sauce, bacon, liquid cheese and of course a beef patty. Very tasty, although I almost immediately got liquid cheese all over my white shirt so that was fun.The missus got the Drummoyne, which was even tastier (I took a bite for "market research"). A bacon barbeque cheeseburger, this is the one I'd go for if I came back. You can probably tell from the pictures, but the chips were pretty damn good too.
Full of a non-kosher meal, we headed off, past this punny bakery,
and into Redfern Park.
Redfern Park is geographically right in the centre of the suburb and features walking paths,
started us on residential Redfern.
Past some newer apartments.
some public housing towers,
and this broken down car,
We continued on, soon finding outselves in the more "terracey" bits of Redfern.
This is where people have soft looking foliage on their houses,
blue doors,
fancy frontages,
and even people trying to be artistic with reclaimed scrap metal into a probably-very-fancy-inside house.
Interesting alleyways too.
It is these sorts of streets that you often see when exploring the inner suburbs.
Special callout goes to this house who threw out nothing but the kitchen sink.
Eventually, we hit a small commercial area,
with this pretty little bottle shop,
and a walkway,
past a couple more shops,
and to a local reserve, Edmund Resch Reserve (which is also labelled Moore Park Mews Dog Park on the map).

If you continue down the walkway you actually leave Redfern and cross into Moore Park (don't do that, it's a different suburb.)
Instead, we backtracked,
towards my final Redfern point-of-interest.
To get there was a short walk through more residential Redfern,
a cycling super-expressway,
a puppy super-expressway,
and monuments to the Greek Gods.
Finally, one sidestreet remained,
to reach where NSW Policehorses live.
Google Maps says that this is a museum, but it all looked pretty official and policey so I didn't stick my head through the fence lest I got put in hoof-cuffs.
Anyway, that's all for Redfern, the suburb's exit is that way.