So hurst apparently means a hill or mound. That means this suburb is named for a mound of pens. More impressively though, this suburb's post code is 2222.
Let's investigate.
Penshurst sits east of my previous suburb, Mortdale. Getting in is simply a matter of walking down this street,
into a surprisingly leafy area full of those old, brick walkup apartments.
There's even a view (kind of).
Strolling through residential Penshurst,
I found this comfortable looking office chair out for council cleanup,
as well as this apartment out for council cleanup too,
with a remarkable interior.
Most notably, a fish-print toilet lid. You know when you see something that you never knew you needed?
Also thrown out today is this perfectly good pair of business shoes.
The council isn't too keen on them though.
Anyway, I carried on,
past these pleasingly painted garages,
very housey apartments,
and some graffiti by Julius Caesar and Cleopatra, probably.
Anyway, around here, foot traffic begins to pick up,
due to this street leading to Penshurst's CBD.
If you can avoid getting hit by a car,
you'll find Penshurst town centre not too dissimilar to Mortdale before it,
with a definite classic Aussie feel.
But it's not all like this. For instance, they have this one cafe with no signage that was absolutely going off,
a drooling smiley on the local Cheesecake Shop,
and a dog groomer named K-Pup. Clever.
One more eye-catching building here is the RSL. Just by looking at this place you can tell exactly what's on the menu at their bistro, can't you?
Anyway, I carried on through the town centre,
soon reaching an intersection and main road,
which I took. Being a main road, this isn't the most exciting way to walk, but there were some highlights.
A mosque,
some bushes,
this fancy old house (apparently it belongs to the Cerebral Palsy Alliance),
a fence with an opening cut out for a mailbox,
and a sign printed by people advertising sign printing. Here's some free advertising Vivid Image Signs.
I summarise those points of interest as "sufficient".
I continued further on up this main road, towards another small commercial area.
Here, I found a strata with what is clearly a placeholder phone number,
a vintage car,
and this games store. The Gamesmen is actually quite interesting because as well as being a regular games store,
it also has a games museum,
full of retro video games and gaming consoles. A worthwhile pit stop for those interested in video games (or who want to enjoy a bit of nostalgia).
But I wasn't here to preorder a copy of Battletoads today, so I kept moving,
noting the uniquely high number of antennas on The Gamesmen's Domino's neighbour.
From here I, once again, continued up the main road,
past some Penshurstian houses,
including one with this impressive palm tree outside,
to reach my final Penshurst stop for today, Olds Park.
While this is pretty much just a sports oval,
it does also host the local library,
a decorated toilet block,
this playground,
with mine-cart,
and a doughnut of shrubbery.
There's also a walking track with some historical photos you can take a squizz at.
I chose to opt-out of squizzery today, continuing out of the gate and into my next suburb.
Penshurst: Mundane yet enjoyable.