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This is a simple calculator which answers the question: "If I'm dollar cost averaging my investment purchases, how often should ...

Dollar Cost Averaging Calculator

This is a simple calculator which answers the question: "If I'm dollar cost averaging my investment purchases, how often should I buy in order to minimise fees while not wasting too much potential return?" This is primarily with ETFs in mind, but it could potentially be used for other dollar-cost-averagable investments with purchase costs.

How much will you save per period? $
Select the period length
Enter your Cash Savings Interest Rate (p.a.) %
Enter your expected average return of the investment (p.a.) %
How much brokerage do you pay per purchase? * $

* To save money on brokerage I buy using SelfWealth which charges a flat $9.50 per trade. If you register using my referral link we will both receive 5 free trades.

 This calculator is based on mathematics and spreadsheet formulas provided by StackExchange user codebeard. Source