An attempt to visit every suburb in Sydney.

Bondi, after key CBD attractions like the Opera House and Coathanger, is one of the most famous spots in Sydney. However, did you know that ...

Not the Beach One: Bondi

Bondi, after key CBD attractions like the Opera House and Coathanger, is one of the most famous spots in Sydney. However, did you know that Bondi is actually made up of four suburbs? You've got Bondi Junction, Bondi Beach, North Bondi and just regular plain old Bondi. Rather than the excitement of Bondi Beach, this suburb is the last one on the list.


With a day off work, today seemed like a perfect opportunity for a not-too-intense couple hours of suburbsing by the coast. I started off with a bus in from the city, dropping me off in Bondi's commercial strip.
I've previously only passed through here on the way to Bondi Beach, thinking it seemed kind of funky from the window of the bus or car, so I was keen to find out what Bondi proper is like on the ground. 
And the strip did turn out to be more interesting than average.

Here's an outrageously generically named shop with a pleasing paintjob.
And here's one of the more adorable post offices I've come across on my local travels. 
The shops primarily seem to cater for the well-to-do Eastern suburbs folk, with "organic" being the word of the day,
but there's plenty of interesting variety here regardless, from Russian and Jewish groceries, 
to a cake shop with a really damn cute sign.
Sprinkle in some interesting older residential pieces, and more colourful shopfronts, and I found an interesting place for a late morning scamp.
Continuing east towards the shore,
the commercial district subsided, and I was left with a mix of interesting houses to look at,
as well as some dwellings which could be found anywhere in Sydney.
From here, the water began to reveal itself in the near distance,
but I instead chose to veer off the main road to spend a little bit more time in residential Bondi.
Like before, Bondi continued its mix of standard and interesting, 
boasting this fine Bert-and-Ernie duplex,
some glassier modern options,
and even this house which screams "haunted" to me.
Close to the coast,
a few more steps led me into my next suburb by the sea.
Bondi: The forgotten middle child. 

1 comment:

  1. The post office IS darling :) Love your blog, keep up the good work!
